Extract accurate insights

from your documents using AI

Extract accurate insights

from your documents using AI

Extract accurate insights

from your documents using AI

Save time everyday from reading and researching documents, just

ask and get accurate answers with references in seconds.





Loved by 100+ professionals


Loved by top professionals from

Loved by top professionals from

Loved by top professionals from

Save hours of reading everyday,
ask and get instant answers

Save hours of reading everyday,
ask and get instant answers

Save hours of reading everyday,
ask and get instant answers

It takes you 30 min to carefully read and understand 45 pages of a document. Kulisswa can extract any insight or generate a summary from a document in less than 5 seconds, with references.

Why choose Kulissiwa?

Why choose Kulissiwa?

Why choose Kulissiwa?

Instant accuracte insights, with references

Want to find relevant information without having to spend hours reading a document?

Kulissiwa can extract any insight from any document in less than 5 seconds, with references.


Tired of trying to get ChatGPT to work with different documents?

Kulisswa’s supports various types of documents such as PDF, Docx, Text and URL.

Chat with all documents

Struggiling to find information across documents?

Kulisswa allows you to extract and analyze insights across all your documents, from few to hundreds.

Multilingual support

Do you have documents in a different language?

No problem, Kulissiwa AI supports 100 languages. Simply ask and it will respond in your language

Product Demo

Product Demo

Product Demo

Pricing Plans







Save hours of reading and researching documents everyday with Kulissiwa Pro.

Upgrade your AI assistant and upload unlimited documents.

Upload Documents

Ask anything to your PDFs, Docs, text, and get answers in seconds.

Powerful AI Models

Access GPT-4, Gemini Pro and Mistral for more accurate answers.



billed per month

billed per month

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Save $40 a year


billed per year

14-day free trial

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What is Kulissiwa?

Does Kulissiwa support PDF documents?

Does Kulissiwa support multiple languages?

© Kulissiwa Inc. 2023